๐Ÿ’ธListing Token

List your token on popular Stacks DEXs like Velar, Stackswap to make your token tradable

How to List Your Token on Velar

Here's a step-by-step guide to getting your token listed on Velar:

  1. Initiate the Listing Process:

    • Start by sending a small amount of your token to a Velarโ€™s address. This initial step is crucial for creating a trading pair, such as STX/YOUR_TOKEN.

  2. Create a Trading Pair:

    • Velar will use the tokens you sent to set up the trading pair, enabling others to trade your token with STX.

  3. Add Liquidity:

    • You must then add liquidity to your trading pair. It's common to start with about 2,000 STX or more.

    • The liquidity you add becomes your LP (Liquidity Provider) tokens, which you control, Velar doesnโ€™t control that.

    • Remember, the more STX you add, the higher the liquidity. Higher liquidity usually leads to morev trading olume.

Start the Velar Listing Process

If you agree with these steps, I will add you to a group with a Velar staff member to finalize the setup process. Once added, you are good to go.

Please DM @STXCITY to start the process

Automatic listing to Stackswap

Project owners can now create a trading pair on @Stackswap_BTCdirectly through http://stx.city seamlessly with just a click I also added a price calculator for the estimated initial price.

This UX can make you list tokens effortlessly

Try it now at: https://stx.city/listing

Video overview

Last updated